Diy: tote bags

Wanna know something?

Or should I..

I can say it.

I dare.

It’s not really even a secret.


I L O V E T O T E B A G S !

Haha. I am one of those who have bought one on almost every travel or museum etc. I have had over ten different tote bags. Well I’m not that bag anymore. Now mostly I love printing tote bags. I could have a big selection of different tote bags but heh, I don’t really want to be a bag seller 😅

Other thing I love is: doing it yourself. Everything I can, I do myself simply mostly because I just enjoy so much. And I think it also brings a totally different energy on a product if it has been made with blood and tears (heh, just kidding. Maybe only with sweat and possible hidden bleeding going on.) And of course making yourself takes time and space. Time I have (for now) space not so much but improvising and problem solving is always fun. (Right!?)

My tote bags are made of recycled cotton and recycled polyester. I order them from a Finnish company but the bags come from Sweden. Material should be industrial cutting waste if I remember right. In future most of Mielenkuvia will be made of recycled material🧡

First Mielenkuvia tote bags

My first tote bags were printed with heat transfer images that were ordered from a company in Salo. My body my voice, my pussy my choice and You go girl! tote bags were printed by myself. Transferring images to tote bags were not easy and I almost lost my mind. 😂 getting that back paper off without the image also coming with it (instead of staying on a tote bag as wanted). But they were nice. if you feel like 20€ is too much from it, I can tell you, the bag was made with strong will and patience! 💪🏼 (as all of my tote bags💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼).

Leveling up!

With my next tote bags I leveled up a bit! Powerful tote bags are screen printed at my home. I print on a about 50x50cm space on my table and hang them on a drying rack. And btw, also the screen is done by myself in Turku. I don’t dare say where because I wasn’t in the age range anymore to really be in that workshop (limit was max 29yo, tho I was only 30yo at the time🤭). With pm I can reveal it.

And now, the newest🧡

The newes batch of tote bags are also done with heat transfer images but they are sooo much easier than what I used with my first tote bags! And they are colourful 💕 Frida, Heart shell and Kedolla are so adorable! I printed the images by myself in Raisio (DM if you wanna know where to do it)

Kedolla -kangaskassi
19,00 €
Lisää ostoskoriin
Frida -kangaskassi
19,00 €
Lisää ostoskoriin
Heart shell -kangaskassi
19,00 €
Lisää ostoskoriin

And hey! You can get a blanco tote bag and decorate it with what ever you want! Get two and make one with your best friend to give to each other 🧡

DIY kangaskassi
8,00 €
Lisää ostoskoriin


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