Bold, feminine illustrations
with joy.

Kotimaiset postikortit, printit ja
käsintehdyt tuotteet Turusta!




Mielenkuvia wants to bring joy and softness, embrace femininity with feminine figures and the power of nature.

Moi! Hello!

I’m Kaisa Leppäkoski, living in Turku, Finland. I jumped into unknown in the end of year 2023 and here I am! I’m a full-time freelancer illustrator, dreamer and the founder of Mielenkuvia.

I love to draw humans, especially women! That’s what my illustrations are mostly all about. All different, all beautiful, all equal. All really natural and just what they are. I’m passionate about to spread the message of how natural body hair and different body are. Also the menstrual cycle and women’s rights are close to my heart and I never get tired of getting inspired of. Without forgetting our beautiful and healing nature! And house plants! You can never have too many plants or flowers.🌻

My style is really minimalistic and naive. Shapes can be soft or angular, and postures often don't matter that much. Expressions are often neutral because you don't always have to smile. Smiling does not make you more feminine or nice. When you live with joy, it can be seen from you miles away!


I’m here to spread joy and I want to see you accepting yourself the way you are and embrace it!

Follow me and my travel on instagram 👉 @mielenkuvia


Flower -tarra
Flower -tarra
4,00 €
Lisää ostoskoriin
Queen tarra-arkki
Queen tarra-arkki
5,00 €
Lisää ostoskoriin
Heart shell -kangaskassi
Heart shell -kangaskassi
19,00 €
Lisää ostoskoriin

Want to learn more or order a custom work?

  • diy itse tehty pientuotanto paikallinen turku


    I love doing things myself! Learning and seeing the outcome. My tote bags are all printed by myself. Check them out!

  • kuvitus henkilökuva portrait kuvittaja some somekuvitus


    Do you want to surprise someone with an illustrated custom potrait? Or get one of each of your worker and use it on a website/social media? ASK for more!

  • Custom kuvitus yritys somekuvitus taide seinätaide sisustus

    Custom illustration

    Do you want to have ANY kind of a custom illustration, I can do it! A wall art of (almost) any size is possible. ASK for more!

  • workshop wine and paint photoshop työpaja turku varsinaissuomi


    Need a fun small workshop / entertainment on a bridal shower or pre chrismas party? Let’s have a fun art event!